
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: desembre, 2021

25 simple daily habits that separate high achievers from everyone else / 25 habits quotidians que separen els vencedors de la resta

  25 Simple Daily Habits That Separate High Achievers From Everyone Else 25 simple habits quotidians que separen els liders de la resta Everyone wants their life to be above average, but what are you really doing to make it happen? Credits Christian Desmarais  Everyone wants their  life to be above average , but what are you really doing to make it happen? In truth,  succeeding in business and life  often depends on consistency, diligence, and discipline. At least, that's what more than two dozen high-achieving executives say. Here are the  daily habits  they credit for being where they are today. 1. Take a hot to cold shower. "Pressured water on your body in the morning is awakening to the body and mind. Outside of just getting clean, the process of taking a shower can revitalize you for the day ahead. However, one trick to making this even more impactful is by turning the hot shower into a cold rush of water. Cold-water showers cause your blood capillaries to expand and dist